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Do you have a specific business challenge? Would you like to help drive the transformation of our customers as our technology partner? Then write to us.

Your career with us

We are your experts for questions about current career opportunities. Contact us – we look forward to getting to know you.

Don’t forget to have a look at our current job offers:

See all job positions
Patrizia Jackert
Patrizia Jackert
Associate Director Recruiting IBM iX Berlin, Bonn & Switzerland
Jil Perdacher
Talent Acquisition Consultant, IBM iX Dusseldorf, Graz & Vienna
Questions about news or events?

Our team will be happy to help you with any marketing and communication topics.

Anne Kikuts
Director Marketing, IBM iX Dusseldorf
Nicole Ruhl
Director Marketing & Communications, IBM iX Berlin
All other requests

You have a completely different topic? Feel free to write us here.

Our studios:
Meet us on-site

Picture of the IBM iX Studio Berlin

IBM iX Berlin

Chausseestraße 5, 10115 Berlin

+49-30–28 39 210

Picture of IX Studio Düsseldorf

IBM iX Dusseldorf

Plange Mühle 1, 40211 Dusseldorf

+49-211-4174 320

Ein Foto auf dem die IBM-Niederlassung in Düsseldorf Seestern zu sehen ist.

IBM iX Dusseldorf (Seestern)

Niederkasseler Lohweg 175, 40547 Dusseldorf
+49 211 –47 60

Picture of Studio Ehningen

IBM iX Ehningen

IBM-Allee 1, 71139 Ehningen

+49-800-2255 426

The photo shows the IBM logo on a building

IBM iX Hamburg

Beim Strohhause 17, 20097 Hamburg

+49-800–22 55 426

Picture of the IX Studio Hamburg

IBM iX Munich

Mies-van-der-Rohe-Straße 6, 80807 Munich

+49-800–22 55 426

Picture of the IX Studio Wels

IBM iX Wels

Carl-Blum-Straße 3, 4600 Wels

+43-724–27 10 00

Picture of the IX Studio Wien

IBM iX Vienna

Obere Donaustraße 95, 1020 Vienna

+43-724-27100 0756

Picture of the Swiss flag and snow covered mountains

IBM iX Geneva

Rue Eugène-Marziano 25, 1227 Geneva

+41-58-33 34 455

Picture of the IX Studio Zürich

IBM iX Zurich

Vulkanstrasse 106, 8048 Zurich

+41-58-33 34 455

Zagreb office showing open space with

IBM iX Zagreb

Radnička cesta 37a, 10000, Zagreb


Open office space with wooden floors and an ajoining blue office behind a glass wall.

IBM iX Varaždin

Kapucinski trg 5, 42000, Varaždin


Office building in Osijek

IBM iX Osijek

Vukovarska 31, 31000 Osijek