Excellent experiences for the energy world of tomorrow

Digital transformation is bringing about long-lasting change to the energy world. If you don’t want to be left behind, you will need to change with it.

At IBM iX, we are supporting the energy industry in this transformation. We are deploying our digital solutions to make power and utility companies fit for the future.

Our services for the energy world

From a patchwork quilt to harmony: The
rise of digital service ecosystems

Our solution?
A question of smart supply!

The same brand experience across all channels

The competition between established energy utilities, start ups, tech and automotive companies is intensifying all the time. Composable Digital Experience platforms are the key to standing out with a positive digital experience at all touchpoints, while at the same time optimising internal processes.

Speed to value

The Garage method helps companies quickly turn visionary projects into business reality. With Garage, IBM has developed a framework that drives digital transformation from an initial vision through to implementation within business structures by combining the best of both worlds: Start up speed and enterprise scale.

Manage and optimise touchpoints

Good experience is good business. A digital approach supports customer contact, e.g. with AI powered virtual assistants (chatbots) and analytics driven processes across all channels. Personalised customer service means customers can communicate how and when they want to, leaving businesses free to focus on other high value interactions.

Real-time communication even in the field

With field service management software, businesses can keep an eye on resources and orders at all times. This allows technicians in the field to automate deployment planning, track service tasks or manage customer service contracts on the go. Enterprise asset management also helps businesses maintain and control their operational assets, both internally and externally.

The future needs a new energy ecosystem

Electricity providers must digitise their systems now to gain faster and more accurate insights that will help them with new strategy development and smarter allocation of resources. A modern electricity grid not only reduces costs for consumers but also contributes to a more efficient economy.

With our technologies and digital solutions, we enable energy and utility companies to optimise their operations, improve safety and increase their bottom line. Whether you want to introduce new digital technologies or simply improve existing systems, we are by your side every step of the way.

Shared success stories
in the energy sector

Further insights into
the energy sector

Ready for your digital

We have decades of expertise in the energy sector. Get in touch with our experts!

Christian Wenske
Christian Wenske
Business Owner, IBM iX Berlin
man in blue grey shirt
Thomas Kaindl
Chief Customer Officer Consumer, IBM iX DACH