LOT Polish Airlines relies on expertise from IBM iX on digital experiences

Digital take-off despite tough conditions due to the pandemic: LOT Polish Airlines has put this project into practice over the past months with IBM iX, as its strategic and implementation partner. The newly launched booking website LOT.com comes with a modern design, faster loading times and a strong focus on self-service offers for customers. Important and up-to-date information on travel and bookings is available around the clock and contributes to a seamless customer experience on all channels. With its new website and enhanced services, LOT underlines its claim to offer customers the same comfort online as when travelling physically with the Polish airlines.

Ready for (digital) take-off

A clear goal – Number 1 airline for passengers in CEE

For the re-implementation of the website, LOT and IBM iX chose Adobe Experience Manager Sites & Assets with a unique architecture tailored to LOT’s needs. With Adobe Experience Manager, LOT gets a powerful content management system for a single-page web application as well as access to the broad portfolio of Adobe services. An Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) interface also allows the integration of third-party services. As a result, LOT’s editorial team now has a particularly user-friendly and high performing website. The new website’s multisite management functions allow content to be created, played out individually and maintained for more than 50 markets in 12 different languages. The whole project was executed using Agile methodologies and principles, fully remote, during the pandemic. This further shows LOT’s determination to continue its development as a leading European air services provider and keep on delivering cutting edge products and services to its clients, regardless of external challenges.

Delivering excellence in a rapidly changing environment

The pandemic with rapidly changing travel restrictions and regulations has shown that it is more important than ever to provide customers with tailored content that is up-to-date at any time. Thanks to the great teamwork between IBM iX and LOT, we were able to deliver a customized solution that empowers the LOT team to create and publish content and their customers to find the best options fast and easy”, says Samira Imsirovic-Kaya, Chief Customer Officer Mobility & Consumer Services at IBM iX.

Superior comfort for LOT passengers – offline and online

The implementation of the new LOT website is part of a comprehensive digital transformation program. By doing that LOT will be ready to meet the high customer expectations of a seamless experience across all channels – whether booking a flight, maintaining travel data, or changing travel plans.

In addition to improving the customer experience and accessibility for LOT’s customers, the enhanced digital approach also leads to positive effects in other areas: The strong focus on online self-service brings more traffic to the new website and helps to reduce operating costs for offline services such as call centers.

A key channel of today and the future

As key digital channel, the website plays a particularly important role in the resumption of air traffic after the pandemic-related disruptions. LOT Polish Airlines and IBM iX will continue to work together on additional digital projects to further enhance the online customer experience and online sales capabilities.

“Our goal is clear: we want to become the No. 1 airline for passengers from Central and Eastern Europe. Whenever they book a flight, they should think of LOT. To achieve this, we needed a strong and state-of-the-art online presence as a central element of our digital strategy.”
Arkadiusz Gawryluk
Director of Digital, Distribution and Loyalty at LOT

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