Industrial Marketplace Startups

A Threat to Established Industrial Sector Companies?

illustration zeigt eine situation auf einer baustelle.

The market for industrial products is changing.

A major driving force for this change are industrial marketplace startups. Like in retail, their number has grown over the last decade. They challenge the traditional trading structures and companies in the German industrial sector.

Therefore, we have analysed three of the most interesting marketplace startups in Germany:, Schüttflix and Reibus. Because all three offer new ways of distribution with new services and thus challenge the market structures in their respective industry of manufacturing, building materials, and metals. We show what makes them successful and what established companies could do to distinguish themselves in the competition.

In our new whitepaper you learn about

  • What makes marketplaces so special
  • What are the economic logics that elevate them
  • What are the success factors and challenges of the three startups, Schüttflix and Reibus
  • What incumbents could do to utilize the strength of marketplace startups and
  • How can established companies distinguish themselves in the competition

Download our Whitepaper now for free!

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Questions? Speak to our business experts.

Dr. Christian Tribowski
Dr. Christian Tribowski
Director Sales & Alliance, IBM iX Dusseldorf
Bild eines Mitarbeiters
Maximilian Anger
Head of Digital Strategy Consulting, IBM iX DACH