Bureaucracy doesn’t have to be boring: 360° campaigns for the Minijob-Zentrale

What’s the best way to win over domestic workers and their employers when it comes to registering work as a minijob? The answer is with a cracking campaign idea that clearly sets out the key arguments in favour of minijobs for both target groups. In a nutshell: IBM iX and its campaign team. This is where our hero campaign, “Those who register stand to win!” enters the picture (2023 – to be continued).

Kampagnenvideo: Wer anmeldet, kann nur gewinnen!

“Those who register stand to win” – a statement that couldn’t ring truer when registering a minijob as a private household. Together with IBM iX, we managed to turn this claim into a cross-platform campaign that generated a wave of attention across Germany. IBM iX turned its humour and charm to crafting a concept campaigning against undeclared work. We’re looking forward to continuing our partnership with IBM iX.
Daniel Ringelsiep
Marketing representative for the Minijob-Zentrale

One of our key insights: the target group loves to play games.

A strong message that holds back on the moralising

Each year, Germany loses huge amounts of tax money due to undeclared minijobs. The Minijob-Zentrale run by the Knappschaft-Bahn-See insurance association tackles this problem by communicating directly about it and campaigning against undeclared work in private households.

If our concept was going to boost the number of people registering minijobs, it had to work seamlessly for all social, digital and print media channels. We needed a campaign strategy that would not only enable it to be rolled out in endless creative ways across all channels, but would dispel doubts about registering a minijob – without lecturing people still in two minds about registering.

Building on existing knowledge

While developing the underlying idea and deciding how to implement it, the creative team (as always) reviewed detailed breakdowns of previous campaigns. The most revealing finding was that employees and employers alike are uncertain about the minijob registration process. Another more curious insight was that our target groups had a strong affinity for games, quizzes and game shows. We took these two exciting insights as the basis to develop an original, eye-catching and playful campaign message that would give people the confidence to register a minijob.

Registering a minijob as the grand prize

Our creative team came up with the campaign message, “Those who register stand to win!”, as an entry point to the glamorous world of game shows. It makes perfect sense, then, that the campaign’s online film takes the target audience on a dazzling journey through the world of wheel of fortune, albeit in a Minijob-Zentrale style – with the prizes being the benefits that come from registering. Alongside a clear message and super-positive tone, the core elements of the campaign can be easily adapted for all target groups and essential channels and rolled out accordingly.

Taking this imaginative idea as their starting point, our text, storytelling, art direction, production and social media experts worked closely with the client to develop various other ideas for all channels – from social media to OOH.

The idea becomes a reality

For the implementation phase, we worked with the Berlin based film production company Kanu Film together with director André Maat, giving us an extensive pool of expertise to draw on as we turned scripts into scribbles, words into settings, dialogue into actors’ performances – and the minijob registration process and associated benefits into prizes on a flashy game show.

An awareness push during the campaign period

During production, we created material for a six-week campaign period plus follow-up campaigns depending on the initial campaign’s success. Both online and offline channels were used to generate maximum attention for the awareness campaign.

Spoiler: just like our past campaigns, “Those who register stand to win” led to a sustained increase in awareness among the target groups regarding the relevance of registering. We recorded more than 235 million ad impressions and over half a million landing page clicks for our customer.

Our campaign performance


Target definition and target group analysis, target-group-specific focus areas, messages, channels and user journeys


Idea brainstorming in expert teams, workshops with the customer and internally


Close collaboration with director and production, one day of shooting in Berlin

Data analysis

Quick SEO checks to identify relevant topics and wordings

Media plan

Creation of a media plan encompassing the Google network and social media channels, and management of external media agencies for all other channels


Roll-out across offline and online channels (social media, KBS magazine etc.)

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