IBM iX @ WeAreDevelopers World Congress 2022

14–15 June 2022 | Berlin
Join IBM iX at WeAreDevelopers World Congress 2022.

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Ever experienced making history instead of just apps? Meet IBM iX at the world’s largest developer flagship event to discuss and get updated on current trends in software development.

It’s finally time again: The global developer community with the world’s greatest minds in tech meets once again in Berlin to share recent insights on software development, best practices and future tech trends. And IBM iX is in! With a century of human-centred IBM tech expertise in our DNA, we’re building bridges between humans and machines. Connect with us on site in area A, booth A.2.6, or check out our program to level up your skills. We’re looking forward to two days full of insights, a great speaker line-up, hands-on workshops, and fun!

What to expect?

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Hot stuff you can’t miss

Program & Speakers

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Two days full of
insights, knowledge and fun

Session, Microstage 1
Automated Code Quality Checks with Custom SonarQube Rules

14 June, 12 AM – 1 PM
Daniel Strmečki, Martin Gluhak

In this lecture, we’ll present the IBM iX project quality approach, including coding guidelines, static code analysis, and testing automation.
Coding guidelines define our aligned best practices, which are enforced through architectural unit tests and SonarQube static code analysis. Furthermore, we used our company coding guidelines to create a set of custom SonarQube rules. Naturally, we don’t want to repeat the same mistakes on multiple projects. In our live coding session we’ll show how to create custom Sonar rules for Java. Utilizing a template project provided by SonarSource, we will create a new custom rule and accompanying unit tests.

Unit vs. Integration Testing in Spring Boot

14 June, 12.45 AM – 2.45 PM
Dajana Jeđud, Ivan Foro

These days testing our Java code is a must. However, it’s not that simple to do it right. In this workshop, we’ll explain why testing is important and what is the difference between Unit and Integration testing.
We’ll do a live coding session creating both Unit and Integration tests on a small Spring Boot application. We use a couple of libraries including JUnit, Mockito, MockServer, MockMVC, and Testcontainers. We’ll compare Unit vs Integration testing approaches and state their pros and cons. Finally, we’ll provide tips and best practices on when and how to develop both types of tests.

Implementing GrahQL with plain Java

15 June, 11.45 AM – 1.45 PM
Josip Primorac, Josip Mlakar

You probably heard the GraphQL buzzword quite often. But did you ever find the time to try it yourself?
This workshop will be a great opportunity to do exactly that. It is time to compare your usual REST APIs with GraphQL. After the difference is clarified, we will start off by defining a GraphQL Schema. Together, we will build a GraphQL server in plain Java from scratch. We will take a look at GraphQL resolvers and explain nodes and edges. Once we set up the service, we’ll also create a simple client. We’ll see how to perform CRUD operations using GraphQL queries and mutations.

Our strong line-up with deep expertise

Martin Gluhak | Java Web
Developer at IBM iX

Josip Primorac | Java
Web Developer at IBM iX

Josip Mlakar | Java Web
Developer at IBM iX

Dajana Jeđud | Java Web
Developer at IBM iX

Ivan Foro | Java Web
Developer at IBM iX

Daniel Strmečki | Director
Digital Platforms – Adobe
at IBM iX

Get to know our technology partners


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Meet us on site –
Area A, Booth A2.6

Curious? We’d love to meet you in Berlin!

Head of Marketing, IBM iX Dusseldorf
Talent Marketing & Employer Branding Manager, IBM iX Dusseldorf

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