
IBM iX with new creative campaign for the “Haushaltsjob-Börse”

IBM's consulting agency’s most recent creative campaign for the Minijob-Zentrale puts the platform for household help in the spotlight.

Berlin, den 25.08.2022 –“Little household chores do themselves” – or apparently not, as proven by the high demand for household help in German households. Indeed, finding the right help is not an easy task. The “Haushaltsjob-Börse” (Household Job Exchange), a service of the Minijob-Zentrale, is intended to provide a platform for this search and make it possible to find support for all aspects of the household.

“That little household”

IBM iX has developed a brightly coloured, catchy campaign so the platform and its purpose become emotionally embedded in the minds of the audiences. At its centre is a cover version of the song “Das bisschen Haushalt” (“That little household”) from 1977 by Johanna von Koczian. For the campaign, the song was transferred into the year 2022 in terms of sound, video, and message, demonstrating that the everyday subject of “household” is anything but dull. The campaign magically brings household items to life to spread the message “household rescuers wanted” and motivate new helpers to log on to the platform.

In the 30-second commercial, the song’s iconic melody receives a humorous and contemporary message, and some true musical glamour with an extra post-composed instrumental. The film’s supporting actors — the household items brought to life — get their 15 seconds of fame in accompanying sketch clips designed for social media channels, where they make corny jokes about household chores. The CTA brings the final message home: “Register now and become a household saver”.

The campaign’s first run will be from mid-August to mid-September, and will include Google Search Ads, Native Ads, In-Banner Video Ads, Display Banners, and social media such as Instagram Stories, Reel & Image Post, Facebook Image Posts & Video Ads, and PreRoll Ads at various marketers such as AdAlliance, Burda and SevenOne. Further video placements are being delivered via DV360 and YouTube. IBM iX penned the strategy, concept, campaign development and implementation, content creation, media planning and monitoring, resulting in flexible, continuous campaign optimisation in order to achieve the best possible performance.

IBM iX has been in charge of Minijob-Zentrale since winning the pitch in late 2020. The first project was an awareness campaign for the official registration of mini-jobs. Since then, cooperation has grown continuously, with IBM iX now providing comprehensive editorial support for Minijob-Zentrale. This includes, among other things, editorial support for the “Minijobber-Magazine” and all social media channels, continuous performance analysis, and the further content development. IBM iX was additionally entrusted with relaunching the Minijob-Zentrale website; it is developing an online portal and contributing to the further development of the corporate identity.

Housekeeper fills the washing machine

Video on the Household Job Exchange for the Minijob-Zentrale with the caption “Make people happy and earn money”

About Minijob-Zentrale

Minijob-Zentrale is Germany’s central collection and registration point for all minor jobs, so-called ‘mini-jobs’. In addition to registry for social security and collecting flat-rate taxes for all commercial mini-jobs, Minijob-Zentrale’s tasks also include implementing the household check procedure for mini-jobs in private households.

Minijob-Zentrale also offers employers and employees a comprehensive range of services and information from a single source, providing advice on insurance, payroll deductions, and registration laws concerning minor jobs. Minijob-Zentrale is part of the Knappschaft-Bahn-See (KBS) unified network. With statutory pension insurance, supplementary pension insurance, health and nursing care insurance, the Seemannskasse, and its own medical network, KBS holds a special place in the field of social insurance, offering its members comprehensive social and medical security.

The Knappschaft-Bahn-See is an association of pension, health and nursing care insurance with a medical network and the Minijob-Zentrale and is part of the Deutsche Rentenversicherung (German pension insurance fund).

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Laura Welter
IBM iX Communications