Why classic online shops do not work in B2B

Customer & Service Portals revolutionise the digital B2B procurement process

In industry, in mechanical and plant engineering and in the construction industry, companies often implement their portals according to the same concepts as in online retail. But what works well for online shops in the B2C sector – namely the emotional appeal to customers – misses the needs of the target groups in the B2B market and shows only moderate success in practice.

B2B purchasing is a professional job. The emotional appeal is out of place here. So how do you address the interests of the stakeholders involved?

Our concept of Customer and Service Portals shows a possible solution. In our free white paper you will learn:

  • Which market changes in B2B (especially in industry) make new action necessary and how new synergies can be used.
  • Which use cases a customer and service portal can cover.
  • How such an implementation has already worked for our customers.

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Dr. Christian Tribowski
Dr. Christian Tribowski
Director Sales & Alliance, IBM iX Dusseldorf
Edwin Denk
Director Solutioning & Practice Leader, IBM iX Austria