LkSG Information


The German Act on Corporate Due Diligence in Supply Chains (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz, shortened LkSG) obliges companies based in Germany with a certain number of employees, including temporary workers and group companies, to take specified measures to prevent, end or minimize adverse effects on people and the environment. The law regulates corporate responsibility for compliance with human rights in global supply chains. This includes, for example, the right to fair wages and environmental protection.

Since we as IBM iX are part of a corporate group with IBM Client Innovation Center Germany GmbH, the LkSG also applies to our companies.

The preliminary policy statement on the German Act on Corporate Due Diligence in Supply Chains as well as more general information can be found on the IBM Client Innovation Center (CIC) Germany website:

Despite our ongoing duty of care with regard to human rights and environmental issues, we are aware that violations can occur. We therefore consider the establishment of complaint mechanisms to be essential. Therefore, anyone can raise concerns or report violations related to the law on corporate due diligence in supply chains through the Ombudsman process.

The purpose of the IBM Global Procurement Ombudsman office is to provide a means for suppliers and others to raise procurement-related concerns and issues that for any reason cannot be satisfactorily resolved through normal business channels.

Concerns are handled promptly with care, respect and sensitivity.

A concern may be raised in person, by email, by post or by telephone.

You can raise your concern via the below routes:

  • E-mail: (The e-mail box has limited access for the Procurement Ombudsman office only)
  • Phone: +36-20-823-5681
  • Regular Mail address: IBM Hungary ISSC Kft , Neumann Janos utca 1, 1117 Budapest, Hungary
  • Direct contact to an employee of IBM Ombudsman:
    Éva Móré
    IBM Global Procurement Ombudsman
    IBM Europe
    Phone: 36-20-823-5681

A direct link to the website of IBM Global Procurement Ombudsman can be found here.