Making it easy for Berlin to use public mobility services: The new

Verschiedene Screens mit unterschiedlichen BVG Website-Inhalten
Verschiedene Screens mit unterschiedlichen BVG Website-Inhalten


Awarded for outstanding user experience: At the German Digital Award 2022, the new wins bronze in the category “Website”.

Much more than just a website: IBM iX is helping BVG develop new user-centred design processes for its web platform. In the process, an innovation team was formed within BVG.

IBM iX and the Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG) have bundled all digital services and offerings on an easy-to-use web platform, which is being constantly developed and updated. But that’s not all: In a long-term partnership, structures and processes are created, which are setting a new standard for innovation at BVG.
Tablet und Smartphone-Screen mit Abbildung der BVG App und Übersicht einer Wegweisung mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln
Tablet und Smartphone-Screen mit Abbildung der BVG App und Übersicht einer Wegweisung mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln

As usual, Berlin is ahead of its time

The Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe was founded in 1928. That makes it the oldest provider of sustainable mobility in Berlin. Today, their services go far beyond conventional public transport: Thanks to new and diverse mobility offerings, BVG makes it easier than ever for all Berliners to get from A to B and to choose sustainable transportation instead of cars.

Mobility must become more sustainable

Fighting climate change is one of the key components of BVG’s mission to make sustainable mobility accessible to all Berliners and visitors. For this purpose, BVG came up with new innovations in recent years – such as the mobility app Jelbi, which combines different mobility services, as well as new fare options like the FlexTicket. In order to stay competitive, BVG has to make sure that its digital experiences are innovative and user-centred.

Everything that makes Berlin so environmentally friendly – in one place

To help more Berliners to shift from motorized individual transport to efficient and green mobility, we have built an integrated web platform. Thanks to its top-notch connection search tool, using sustainable mobility services is easier than ever before. Users can find all fare options and subscriptions at as well as assistance in case they forget their gym bag on the train. In other words, you will get all the information you need to avoid using your car.

Making passengers love BVG even more

Thanks to our data-driven approach and regular studies, we know that users love the new website: We were able to achieve excellent usability scores, for example: The system usability score has already increased by 7.5% points to 72.5% compared to the old site. Our agile approach is focused on further development: Every day, we are doing everything we can to make Berliners and fans of Berlin falling even more in love with BVG.

BVG_App woman on station

Innovation meets Design

The website team consists both of IBM iX and BVG employees and is known as the ‘innovation team’ within the organization: With our approach, we are pioneers in excellent design within BVG. We operationalize strategy, uncover problem definitions, and develop and implement solution approaches. We put the user at the centre in each of these steps. That’s why, thanks to an innovative and user-centred website, BVG is able to motivate Berliners to use public mobility services.

Projektmethode für die BVG
Projektmethode für die BVG

Simply switch: Headless-architecture makes it possible

The technical basis for the new BVG web platform is the Headless CMS Magnolia along with various Microservices and a React-Frontend Experience Layer – all contained in a Kubernetes cloud infrastructure. This enables easy scaling of future BVG experiences.

Bild einer gelben Bahn, die über eine Berliner Brücke fährt. Im Vordergrund ist das Soundmodul der App zu sehen
Bild einer gelben Bahn, die über eine Berliner Brücke fährt. Im Vordergrund ist das Soundmodul der App zu sehen

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